Hi, my name is Sun Young Hwang

and it's wonderful to meet you!

A little about me: Sun Young is a Korean artist and budding children's book creator. She graduated from the School of Art Institute of Chicago, where she studied painting. Sun Young's childhood was a fun adventure across Vietnam, Malaysia, and Canada, filling her mind with a variety of cultural experiences. After working as a painter, she's now following her longtime dream of creating stories and illustrations for kids. Sun Young loves to capture sweet and happy moments in her work. When she's not sketching new ideas, you can find her in Seoul, getting inspired by everyday life with her lovable cat and dog (tofu and dawn), or dreaming up her next artistic project!


(+82) 010-8567-0725

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If you’d like to discuss potential projects, collaborate, or you just want to chat, feel free to contact me by submitting the form below.